International Red Cross Movement

Henry Dunant, while engaged in his business, traveled to northern Italy very close to Solferino, the same day the Austrian, French and Piedmont armies clashed there. At dusk, on the scene of the Battle of Solferino, on June 24, 1859, lay 40,000 men practically abandoned to their fate.

Dunant saw how the wounded died without assistance and, helped by people from nearby towns, he dedicated himself to helping them: he convinced the local population to care for the wounded, without paying attention to which side of the conflict they were on, using the motto “Tutti fratelli”(All brothers) Impressed, the memory led him to conceive ways to alleviate similar situations, and three years later he published his reflections. In a book called “Remembrance of Solferino”, Dunant raises the idea of ​​creating a relief organization that would care for the victims of conflicts; idea that materialized into what we know today worldwide as the Red Cross.

Our Components

International Committee of the Red Cross

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)

National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

Colombian Red Cross

The history of the Colombian Red Cross, not far from the beginning of the existence of the International Committee of the Red Cross - ICRC and the National Societies, marked its destiny with the first glimmer of hope in the midst of the battle of Palonegro (Santander) carried carried out between May 11 and 25, 1900, during the Thousand Days War, when a handful of doctors led by Doctor Putnam and with some improvised ambulances in the shape of four-wheeled carriages pulled by two horses each and On their sides painted two squares on a white background and on each one a red cross with five squares as a sign of protection, they embraced the mission of assisting the hundreds of wounded who remained throughout the battlefield, regardless of their political affiliation. 

This fact was brought to light years later before the assembly of the Medical Society gathered in the city of Medellín in 1913, marking the beginning of the task of founding the Red Cross in Colombia.

Promoted by Doctors Adriano Perdomo and Hipólito Machado, the idea was officially born on July 30, 1915 at the Teatro Colón in Bogotá, under the postulate that “we are all human beings”and the affirmation that in Our country also needs the existence of an organization dedicated to “preventing and alleviating the horrors of war”, formed in the image and likeness of the largest aid institution in the world, participating in the same principles of humanity, neutrality and impartiality, nourishing that originating in Switzerland.

Colombian Red Cross

The history of the Colombian Red Cross, not far from the beginning of the existence of the International Committee of the Red Cross - ICRC and the National Societies, marked its destiny with the first glimmer of hope in the midst of the battle of Palonegro (Santander) carried carried out between May 11 and 25, 1900, during the Thousand Days War, when a handful of doctors led by Doctor Putnam and with some improvised ambulances in the shape of four-wheeled carriages pulled by two horses each and On their sides painted two squares on a white background and on each one a red cross with five squares as a sign of protection, they embraced the mission of assisting the hundreds of wounded who remained throughout the battlefield, regardless of their political affiliation. 

This fact was brought to light years later before the assembly of the Medical Society gathered in the city of Medellín in 1913, marking the beginning of the task of founding the Red Cross in Colombia.

Promoted by Doctors Adriano Perdomo and Hipólito Machado, the idea was officially born on July 30, 1915 at the Teatro Colón in Bogotá, under the postulate that “we are all human beings”and the affirmation that in Our country also needs the existence of an organization dedicated to “preventing and alleviating the horrors of war”, formed in the image and likeness of the largest aid institution in the world, participating in the same principles of humanity, neutrality and impartiality, nourishing that originating in Switzerland.

The Red Cross in Nariño

The Nariño Sectional Colombian Red Cross is an administrative and operational organization, with legal status recognized by the Government Secretariat of the Department of Nariño through Resolution No.289 of April 19, 1971. 

However, there are documents, newspapers, magazines and photographic records that give an account of the humanitarian action deployed by the Red Cross in the Department of Nariño in 1923, caring for the victims of the earthquakes in Cumbal and its active presence during the confrontation. armed: the conflict with Peru in 1932, in which he provided help to the widows and orphans victims of that war 

This worked for a long time, but due to lack of financial resources, volunteer work weakened. It was on November 4, 1967 when, in a solemn and official session, the Departmental Committee of the Red Cross was again installed in Nariño, which later obtained recognition as a legal entity under private law, which remains firm in fulfilling its mission humanitarian.

The Red Cross in Nariño

The Nariño Sectional Colombian Red Cross is an administrative and operational organization, with legal status recognized by the Government Secretariat of the Department of Nariño through Resolution No.289 of April 19, 1971. 

However, there are documents, newspapers, magazines and photographic records that give an account of the humanitarian action deployed by the Red Cross in the Department of Nariño in 1923, caring for the victims of the earthquakes in Cumbal and its active presence during the confrontation. armed: the conflict with Peru in 1932, in which he provided help to the widows and orphans victims of that war 

This worked for a long time, but due to lack of financial resources, volunteer work weakened. It was on November 4, 1967 when, in a solemn and official session, the Departmental Committee of the Red Cross was again installed in Nariño, which later obtained recognition as a legal entity under private law, which remains firm in fulfilling its mission humanitarian.



The Nariño Sectional Colombian Red Cross has the mission of saving lives, preventing and alleviating human suffering, especially that of the most vulnerable people, and protecting their dignity in any circumstance, as well as strengthening community capacities and resilience to face adverse situations with focus. of social and humanitarian development, through the promotion of a culture of peace and social inclusion, comprehensive health management, disaster risk prevention and the reduction of the effects of climate change, constitute essential foundations for the promotion of Human Rights, International Humanitarian Law and the commitment and spirit of volunteerism within the framework of the Fundamental Principles and doctrine of the international movement.


In 2025, the Nariño Sectional Colombian Red Cross will be a humanitarian, inclusive and sustainable institution, with excellence and innovation, recognized in the department of Nariño, for its humanitarian spirit aimed at saving lives, preventing and alleviating human suffering in all circumstances. supported by competent human talent and committed to the continuous improvement of our processes.

Sectional Organizational Structure

For more information.

Cra 25 No 13 – 26 B/ Santiago

(602) 734 7787
